Monday, June 30, 2008

Creation groaning: waiting for emowered children of God

My 13-year-old daughter Anna and I just returned from a three-week trip to Paris (5 days), Pietermaritzburg, South Africa (3 days) and Pemba, Mozambique (the rest). In each of these distinct places we heard the groans, saw the longing in people's faces for more meaning and transformation, and witnessed God's Kingdom breaking in.

Paris is a city of great sensual appeal. Fashion, the arts and aesthetic beauty are ever alluring. Tastes and scents invite participation. The streets are filled with the young, the beautiful, the unique and altogether interesting. Yet in the face of all the cultural bounty I was struck by a pervasive loneliness, emptiness and entrapment. I met a young American super model in the metro who was taking home $2,000 a day. She told me the four months she'd been there were the hardest in her life. She was beautiful, successful but lonely to the point of despair. "Vanity, vanity, all is vanity and striving after the wind" was apparent in Paris.

Yet in the Eglise Reformée de Belleville where I ministered I saw people reaching out for connections deeper than any culture can offer. There in the heart of Paris' Jewish and North African communities people come together to worship, read the Scriptures, hear the Word preached and eat together. I saw people longing for authentic community that's not easy to come by in the hustle of urban Europe. The leadership is challenged to facilitate community in the face of emptiness. Immigrant youth are being served by an after school program. People streamed forward to receive prayer, healing and deliverance all afternoon.

Next stop was Pietermaritzburg, South Africa where we were hosted by good friends and Univ of Kwazulu-Natal professors Gerald and Bev West and Jonathan Draper. These people are veteran activists, pastors and teachers who train up theologians for all of Africa. The Aids epidemic, post-apartheid affirmative action policies, rampant violence and poverty and social chaos both at home in S. Africa and in surrounding nations like Zimbabwe have brought the Doctors of the Word down low. I was impressed by the humility of 8-10 Bible profs Anna and I met with one night for dinner and discussion. I was struck by honest grappling over ideas that matter both that night and the next day at a "theological café" where I presented my new book to profs and grad students at the University. Where is the Gospel that has the power to save? These people are hearing it, being held up by Jesus and are still in the struggle, but with no easy answers or quick fix-all plans. They seem to realize with Jesus that "these can only be cast out by prayer and fasting."

Final stop Pemba and then Maputo, Mozambique. Iris Ministry is still in the midst of amazing growth with as many as 9,000 churches?!—900 of them in the last four or five years in a part of the country thought to be impenetrable because of an exotic mix of traditional African religion and Islam.

We did a village outreach where several thousand showed up, and it wasn't easy. Some people came up for prayer to mock those ministering. They pretended to be sick and then sprung up and pranced off "miraculously healed" before laughing friends. Many of the visiting Canadian ministry team caught people trying to steal their cameras off their bodies. Yet truly hurting people approached us too, humbly asking for prayer.

We saw Jesus heal lots of people of all kinds of ailments. I witnessed someone get their sight restored and a deaf mute child say "mama" for the first time to his mother who was overcome with joy. We returned to the vehicle to find that Heidi Baker's and my back packs had been pulled through a broken window in the land rover. That night the regional pastors recovered our journals, book bags and other odds and ends—but Heidi's expensive phones, cameras and $2500 cash and our camcorder and MP3 player were lost.

A few days later Anna joined me as I preached in pastor Juma's home church in an impoverished village in the countryside outside Pemba. Pastor Juma is an Iris pastor who has started some 30 churches in the 6-7 years he's been a pastor. Children, youth and adults pounded the sloping dirt floor of the church with their bare feet, dancing to wild drumming that accompanied simple choruses led by one song leader after another. After a good hour and half of exuberant worship I preached on ordinary believers' authority and empowerment for Jesus' ministry and had people lay hands on themselves for healing. A good thirty people were healed on the spot and we invited those still suffering to come forward for more prayer. 20-30 people came forward and we watched nearly everyone experience relief as Anna, pastor Juma and our two American Iris worker friends laid hands on people. This community had experienced numerous miracles of multiplication of food. They seemed to embody Jesus' beatitude: "blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."

Back at the Iris base I alternated between teaching 120 or so mission students from around the world and 110 Mozambican Bible school students. On both teaching fronts people were hungry and open. The Westerns were feeling their limits. They worshipped from the heart and responded to my invitations and the Holy Spirit came every time. Heidi asked me to help her pray for the Mozambican pastor candidates to be filled with the Holy Spirit. This was pure joy, watching seasoned Pentecostal Heidi explain being totally yielded to Jesus and open to receiving an unmerited gift. We laid hands on people and saw the Spirit touch them. Many had visions and spoke in tongues for the first time: not Portuguese, not Macua… but languages from another realm not of this world.

Anna is the third of Gracie and my three children to go with me on a mission adventure at age 13. We had a great time together watching movies on the airplanes, eating out, going to a game park, swimming and even scuba diving in the Indian Ocean, drinking coke, going on outreaches and praying for people's healing together. Anna has had the impression that God only helps and heals poor people and criminals. But when she got violently sick on the last day in Mozambique and I sent out a desperate email for prayer and she saw God come to rescue her through many divine appointments with people who prayed for her and a doctor from Cameroon we met in the Johannesburg airport who treated her. We made it home safe and sound and invite you to pray with us for our friends in challenging places.

  • For pastor Serge Jacquemus, the church elders and members at Eglise Reformee de Belleville and for Randy Greer, an American missionary friend of mine who heads us the church's after school program for immigrant youth. For Gilles, Aude, Linda and Jan of Eglise Reformee du Marais, who lead a deliverance ministry and church in Paris. Pray for strength, wisdom and breakthrough in evangelism, discipleship and community building.
  • For Professors Gerald and Bev West, Jonathan Draper and the many others at the University of Kwazulu-Natal in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. For Heidi and Rolland Baker, pastor Juma, and the many missionaries and African pastors and leaders working with Iris Ministries in Mozambique. For Hette Domburg and Petra Doorn and other professors of Seminário Unido de Ricatla in Maputo, Mozambique. Pray for strength, protection, ongoing fruitfulness and wisdom for all these people as they train and send out more and leaders.
  • For all of us here at Tierra Nueva as we minister among immigrants, inmates, gang members and in mainstream churches and seminaries—for grace, provision, more of God's anointing to announce the best news and break chains of addiction and oppression.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

France, S. Africa, Mozambique final prayer update

Special thanks to those who have prayed for us over the course of these three weeks in France, S. Africa and Mozambique. The trip was very demanding and extremely rich and rewarding.

The last I wrote you was to ask for prayers for Anna, who began vomiting and having intestinal problems on our last day in Mozambique. God truly helped us through a difficult time in amazing ways. We were picked up at the Maputo airport by an English couple who hosted us the night and following day of Anna's sickness. They took care of Anna, the host mom rubbing her back as she threw up, taking her to get a malaria test to rule out malaria, watching Anna as I met with a Dutch couple who are professors in the local mainline seminary and as I taught a group of 50 Mozambican pastors.

As I was heading to teach my class on Iris' Maputo base I ran straight into Duncan Smith from Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, who came to the house and prayed for Anna's healing. The group of 50 or so pastors then prayed for Anna too. We made it safely to Johannesburg but Anna was weak as she'd been unable to hold down any fluids.

As I was waiting to get our boarding passes in the Air France line Anna lay exhausted on the plastic waiting room seats until she had to find a bathroom. On her way back from the bathroom there in the airport she ran into a girl from a team "Frontline Ministries" that had sat next to her on the plane. She had just spent three weeks in Swaziland ministering with Iris pastors. She gathered her team of 12 or so young people around Anna and prayed for her.

When Anna got back to the Air France counter I was in the middle of talking in French with a man from Cameroon who worked with Doctors without Borders in Maputo. He was a physician in charge of a clinic for Aids patients. He examined Anna as we stood in line and was there to help me catch her as she fainted. He then took us to the airport pharmacy and got us medications. He continued to check in with us throughout the flight to Paris.

Anna was fine throughout the 12 hour flight to Paris, three hour layover and 9 hour flight to Seattle. She is recovering and still needs some prayer for intestinal problems. We are glad to be home and very thankful to you for keeping us in your prayers. I'm mentioning below some of the highlights of our trip which you participated in through your prayers.

  • Anna and I had a great time together. Lots of fun traveling and swimming in the Indian Ocean. We even got to go scuba diving for three hours!
  • Gracie and Luke experienced God's strength and peace in our absence. Isaac also had some important breakthroughs in Argentina.
  • In France we saw lots of deliverance and God's Spirit touch many people as we ministered.
  • Friendships with theologians in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa were significantly strengthened and broadened. Mainline, liberation theologian-oriented Christians are increasingly open to Holy Spirit empowered ministries like Iris. I hooked up Heidi Baker with my good friend Gerald West (Academy of the Poor) who she has now invited to teach in Pemba.
  • We saw Jesus heal many many people of all kinds of ailments. Anna participated directly in praying with me for Mozambican villagers.
  • I got to pray with Heidi for the 110 or so Mozambican Bible school students to be baptized in the Holy Spirit & saw the Spirit really show up and fill these humble men.
  • Sessions with the Iris Missions School students went really well. I met a Scottish Presbyterian pastor couple who long to see renewal come to the Scottish Presbyterians in Glasgow.
  • Everywhere we went we had divine appointments with leaders in France, S. Africa and with people from all over the world. I am expecting some invitations to Korea and Scotland and have already been invited to lead a pastors retreat for French Reformed Church pastors hungry for spiritual renewal in Paris at the end of November.
  • Everywhere we went people prayed for us and blessed us in many ways. Tierra Nueva has not brought in enough for us to be paid for three months now. God is providing for us through unsolicited, unexpected gifts and honorariums. We will see where all this leads as our family grows and our actual financial needs are increasing.
So we thank you for your prayers. Pray for us

  • For strength, direction and God's increasing presence for breakthrough as we go into our season of accompanying migrant farm workers and continue our jail ministry and worshiping communities over the summer.
  • For our annual conference Going Deeper: Word, Spirit, Street beginning July 13. We'd love for you to join us if you can.
  • For finances so we can finish construction of New Earth Refuge, which can be completed by the end of July with another $25,000.
  • For God to raise up more regular financial supporters for us for our work with Tierra Nueva and New Earth Refuge.
May Jesus continue to take you deeper and deeper into his baptism!


Friday, June 20, 2008

Kingdom of God comes in Mozambique, trip update #3

This past Wednesday I taught my first large group session of Iris Harvest Mission School to the 120 or so students here. I spoke on evangelism as recruitment into the ministry of Jesus and invited people feeling called by Jesus to recruit others to come up for prayer. The whole group came forward-- which is not so surprising considering this is a highly motivated audience.

Right after the session Anna and I went out to Mieze, a village where there was a mobile health clinic day. There was a doctor and some nurses and lots of prayer people. Many people were helped and we saw lots of healing too. Physicians and prayer happening together. Then we returned and I gave a 7:00 talk to the students on my spiritual journey, ending with my own confession and repentance for judgments I had made against Pentecostals, Assembly of God, Four Square, Charismatics, right wing republicans, evangelicas, fundamentalists... I invited the Spirit to show people if they needed to confess their judgements against brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. Many people came to the mike and made public confessions and asked forgiveness. It was really powerful. Then I invited people to come up for fresh fire from the Spirit. Everyone seemed to come forward and the Holy Spirit was very strongly present. People were laid out all over the straw mats as the Spirit came stronger and stronger. Really amazing.

Yesterday Heidi Baker, Anna and I and some others went out to do an overnight outreach in the bush some 2-3 hours away. There was another group ahead of us showing the Jesus film, and several thousand were gathered watching when we arrived-- an amazing mass of impoverished humanity! We prayed with people for what seemed like hours after the film. Anna and I saw lots of healings-- backs, head aches, knees, shoulders. Then Anna got overwhelmed as we had the crowd pressing in on us. She got up on the flat bed with Heidi and I kept praying. I saw God really move to heal people-- even someone who was partially or totally blind get their sight back! Then when we returned from our praying to the land rover we found a window broken out and all Heidi and Anna and my most important bags were gone! In Heidis bag there were two I-phones, $2500 cash, camera, residency documents. In ours our digital camcorder, journals, bible, water purifier, $100 or so and other things. We were disappointed, but tried not to let it get us down after seeing God move so beautifully. A bunch of local pastors rallied together and spend the whole night trying to locate our stuff. They kept coming back to wake up Heidi (who was in a tent right next to us, so we woke up too) to tell us their progress. Finally at 5:00am they came back with all of our journals, bible, back packs and other non valuables-- which was great! We just returned feeling tired but full after lots of signs of Godś kingdom and great fellowship with Heidi and others.

Keep us in your prayers. I preach in Mieze, a nearby village from 8:30-1:00pm or so on Sunday. Then teach most of Monday and Tuesday. We fly out on Tuesday night to Maputo. Meet with a theologian from the mainline denominational seminary who is interested in talking on Wednesday morning. Then we fly out Wed afternoon for S. Africa, Paris and home!

Pray for safety, Gods ongoing presence and continual ministry through us and to us.

In Christ,

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Word, Spirit, Justice in S. Africa and Mozambique

My 13-year-old daughter Anna and I arrived in Pemba, Mozambique yesterday afternoon after a rich three days in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. We keep seeing signs of a new move of the Spirit, though in early stages perhaps.

I spoke to a group of professors of Scripture from the different seminaries and the school of theology associated with the University of Kwa Zulu-Natal. We had a meal together at an Oblate community on the outskirts of Pietermaritzburg, where I was invited to present a summary of my new book A New Christian Manifesto. There were Catholic, evangelical and mainline Bible scholars-- feminist, contemplative, liberationist. I was amazed at peoples openness and excitement. I spoke the next day at a theological cafe at the university to some 30 professors and graduate students-- including a prof of Islam who is himself Muslim specializing in Islam and traditional African religion. He had some profound questions about Jesus that really moved me.

Conversations with my friends Gerald West-- OT prof and his wife Bev, a theologican and Jonathan Draper, a NT prof were stimulating as usual. These people are veteran Christians who have seen all the abuses from every side. They are not easily won over by any new thing and are incredibly astute-- and yet always open. I see a hunger for the Kingdom of God-- but not for any variety. Rather the authentic kingdom which brings true empowerment to the poor and freedom with dignity to the least.

Mozambique has moved us already to the core. Last night we went to a worship rave at Iris, where orphan kids together with Western mission students danced with abandon under the stars. Today we worshipped for hours in Iris' new church just a quick run from the dazzeling Indian Ocean, dancing and crying out to God for more revival in Mozambique. The poverty is worse than last year since food prices are up. Please continue to pray for Anna and I, our schedule includes lots of teaching in the both the mission school (110 Western participants) and the Mozambican Bible school (over 100). Pray for:

  • I will be teaching Monday - Thursday afternoon (June 16-19) in the Iris mission school and Bible school. For wisdom in selecting teaching subjects, for God's presence to really bring clarity, healing and empowerment.
  • On Thursday-Saturday (June 19-21) Anna and I go on an outreach into the bush with Heidi Baker. Pray for protection and God's kingdom to come.
  • On the following Sunday-Wednesday I teach.
  • Pray for Anna-- for protection, openness and connections.
  • Pray for divine appointments and friendships
  • We fly home June 25 and arrive in Seattle on June 26.

Blessings in Christ,


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bob and Anna's Trip to France and Africa

Anna and I arrived in Johannesburg, S. Africa yesterday morning and here in Pietermaritzburg in the afternoon. We've almost been gone a week and things are going amazingly well. We are having a lot of fun together, starting every day in Paris with fresh pan au chocolats and croissants-- and lots of amazing meals. Anna however says she's tired of fancy things like roast duck and misses peanut butter and jelly! Here are some highlights and some new prayer requests:

1) I preached and ministered Sunday at the Eglise Reformee de Belleville-- a big reformed church in Paris. I invited people to come forward if they wanted to give Jesus permission to really take them deeper into baptismal death of the flesh so they could be wholly given over as sons/daughters of God, empowered more fully by the Holy Spirit. People came forward in droves and the Spirit really touched people. Then we had another session all afternoon, praying for many many people. There was lots of deliverance, quite amazing really. I was really moved by how many people are suffering from deep loneliness and isolation.

2) On Monday we met with Gilles Boucomont and his team from another Paris church. They had just taught for a week in Burlington. This is an important connection. Then I went out with Elian Cuvillier, the New Testament prof from the Eglise Reformee seminary in Montpellier who just happened to be in Paris when we were. We really connected and I am once again amazed to see how mainline intellectual French Protestants are so hungry and open to the Holy Spirit and to entering more fully into the ministry of Jesus. We stayed the entire time with the President of the French Bible Society, Bernard Coyault and his wife who is a pastor. We had great conversations.

3) On Tuesday I ministered "prophetic presytery" style to the pastoral team of Eglise Reformee de Belleville and then did a book signing at the main bookstore of the Eglise Reformee de France's national office. The French translation of Reading the Bible with the Damned is out and doing really well.

4) Then we were wisked off by taxi (since there was a train strike) to the airport for an all night, 12 hr flight to Johannnesburg. Last night I spoke to a gathering of all the Biblical studies professors from the seminaries in this city (Catholics, protestants, evangelicals) based at the Univ of KwaZulu Natal and elsewhere. They asked me to share about my new book A New Christian Manifesto. I shared openly about the new move of the Spirit that I see, where word, spirit and ministry to the poor/marginalized are coming together. The profs were very excited and we ended up having a long discussion. I am amazed at people's openness-- especially since these people are not from charismatic camps but are theologians of liberation, contemplative Catholics, feminists, post-colonial theologians, academics. The Spirit is truly at work bringing together the body of Christ.

5) Today I speak at a "theological cafe" before professors and students and the Univ of KwaZulu Natal and then have dinner and breakfast meetings with profs and others. Please keep us in your prayers. Tomorrow the NT prof and my good friend Jonathan Draper is taking us to a game park. Yeah! Then we fly to Johannesburg and fly out Saturday morning for Iris ministry in Pemba Mozambique.

Please pray for ongoing divine appointments and God's wisdom, direction and annointing for conversations with professors/leaders.

Pray for Ilona Dobeyn who is suffering from cancer here. We have prayed for her and she seems to be improving.

Pray for protection for us as we travel, and for Gracie and Luke back home and for Isaac in Argentina.

Pray that God would really prepare us for our 10-11 days in Mozambique (June 16-26).
Pray for Anna, for her health and an open heart. Pray for our time together as dad/daughter-- that it would be the best.

Feel free to write if you get any impressions for us (

Blessings in Christ,
